A word from the CEO
In 2023, our revenue decreased 16% year on year and amounted to EUR 221.6 million. Excluding sales to our largest customer, our revenue grew 35% year on year and also excluding the impact of the Pennatronics acquisition, the growth was 17%. The increase in revenue was boosted by all other Incap’s units in Europe, effective sales work to existing and new customers, and the successful acquisition in the US.
Although our profitability was affected by the lower utilisation ratio of our factory in India, we were able to quickly adjust our cost level and to keep our own inventories on a healthy level. Our EBIT in 2023 was EUR 28.2 million or 12.7% of revenue, which we think is an indication of our strong operating model and agility.
When it comes to sustainability, we want to be a forerunner in the industry and invested in sustainable development at all our factories. We supplemented our corporate responsibility programme by defining more detailed targets for previously selected key figures. In the autumn, we conducted a Group-wide employee engagement survey for the first time and launched a double materiality assessment. We prepared for the new CSRD reporting requirements by, for instance, extending our CO2 reporting. We see that the standardised reporting requirements contribute to the positive development we are committed to.

Sustainability at Incap
→ Transition to sustainable energy
→ Reduction of energy intensity
→ Reduction of GHG emissions from own operations
→ Reduction of GHG in the value chain / related to transportation
→ Recycling of waste and hazardous waste
→ ESRS E1 Climate change
→ ESRS E5 Resource use and circular economy
→ Share of renewable energy in total energy consumption 24-28% (Scope 1,2)
→ Development and implementation of Climate Transition Plan
→ 0 environmental non-compliance cases
→ Recycling rate over 68%
→ Recycling rate of hazardous waste over 65%
→ Working conditions
→ Health and safety
→ Equal treatment and diversity
→ Workers’ rights and treatment in the value chain
→ ESRS S1 Own workforce
→ ESRS S2 Workers in the value chain
→ 100% new employees receive the training on Code of Conduct
→ Employee satisfaction over 7/10 / eNPS at least +10
→ Employee turnover less than 10%
→ 0 major injuries
→ 100% of workers covered by ISO 45001
→ 0 average lost-days rate
→ Equal pay for equal work
→ Training hours per employee at least 8 per year
→ 0 discrimination cases
→ 0 severe human rights violation cases
→ Decentralized structure
→ Legal compliance
→ Protection of whistle-blowers
→ ESRS G1 Business conduct
→ Incap’s Business Strategy
→ NPS at least +68
→ Revenue growth
→ Profitability
→ Net working capital
→ Earnings per share
→ Control over operating expenses, personnel expenses, taxes
→ Supporting the local communities related to our business units
→ 0 breaches of Code of Conduct (incl. zero incidents of anti-competitive behaviour and zero incidents of corruption)