As a globally operating electronics manufacturing services company, a good reputation is a must in achieving our business goals. We manage our customers’ manufacturing so that they can focus on growing their business – which is a major sign of trust. Acting with the highest level of ethics is critical in maintaining the trust we have worked hard to build. Moreover, our commitment to ethics and good business conduct is not only crucial for our business success and sustainable financial results, but also for creating a great place to work for our employees and a good investment for investors.

The Code of Conduct determines how we expect all Incap employees to behave in their daily work and sets out the principles that help us make ethically sound decisions. Our Code of Conduct embodies our core values – which are honesty, trust, integrity, quality and transparency – and gives guidance on how our values are put into action every day. It reminds us how we work with each other internally and how we deal with customers, subcontractors, partners, potential employees, investors and communities. The Code ensures that we comply with applicable local and international laws and regulations, respect human rights and act with high level of integrity in accordance with our principles for social, economic and environmental responsibility.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all Incap employees and operations regardless the position or location. We also require our partners to adhere to similar principles.

Ethical business conduct is everyone’s responsibility. We are all individually responsible for protecting our reputation by meeting ethical standards and ensuring zero tolerance against violations. Everyone should carefully read this Code, follow the key principles and express any concerns they may have. Together, we can foster an ethical culture.


President and CEO


Our mission

As a trusted partner and full-service provider in electronics manufacturing services (EMS), we manage our customers’ manufacturing while they grow their business. Our job is to ensure that our customers get the best possible support throughout the manufacturing value chain from product and process design and manufacturing to financing, sourcing and logistics.


In everything we do, we are authentic, tell the truth and adhere to the facts. We comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which we do business.


The strongest contribution comes from teams where there is a strong belief in each other’s reliability and competence, those that allow one to be open and honest with one another. It takes all of us working together to cultivate an atmosphere of mutual respect, inclusion, and collaboration.


We are committed to the highest standards of moral principles and ethical conduct. When faced with difficult decisions, we do the right thing, even in the face of adversity and when no one is watching.


We have a long history and strong reputation of high quality that we want to nurture and develop even further. We are committed to improving the quality of our products and services as well as the effectiveness of our management system in order to meet and exceed customer and regulatory requirements.


We run our business in a way that creates openness within the company. We make information accessible and have no hidden agendas. We communicate clearly across the organization and confront problems when they arise. Transparency also increases our accountability in the eyes of our external stakeholders such as customers, shareholders and the general public.


At Incap, everyone is responsible for maintaining and enhancing ethical conduct and the culture of integrity within the company. The Code applies to all Incap employees, regardless of position or location. Our suppliers, partners and consultants are also subject to many of the principles of our Code.


  • We comply with the laws
  • We respect people and human rights
  • We don’t use forced, compulsory or child labour
  • We respect freedom of engagement
  • We promote equal opportunities and diversity
  • We don’t tolerate any kind of harassment or bullying
  • We ensure well-being and safety of our employees
  • We work according to health and safety regulations to prevent injuries and health problems
  • We provide a family friendly environment
  • We develop our personnel, promoting career paths and training opportunities
  • We ensure product safety and quality
  • We take care of environmental impact
  • We avoid conflict of interest
  • We protect intellectual property and assets
  • We commit to information confidentiality
  • We comply with laws and regulations in protecting personal data and privacy
  • We compete fairly
  • We have zero-tolerance for corruption and bribery
  • Our charity and sponsorship activities are based on our values
  • We are committed to the prevention of money laundering
  • We build trust and transparency through communication


We treat all our employees with dignity and respect. We respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights as expressed in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and we are committed to the related Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

We support the basic labor rights stated by the International Labor Organization (ILO): freedom of association, effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, and equality of opportunity and treatment.

As part of our support and respect for human rights, we are also committed to ensure that our products do not contain Conflict Minerals.

Read the full document here!

There may be other country specific guidelines and policies that the group follows.


We strive to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all employees and take adequate steps to prevent accidents and injury to health. Incap as an employer and supervisors are legally responsible for the safety and healthiness of the workplace. Our occupational health and safety personnel are experts that promote good working conditions in the workplace. Every employee is also required to take care of their own safety and the safety of their co-workers.

Legislation forms the basis for safe and healthy working conditions, but we strive to do more by promoting learning and career development. At its best, well-being at work provides added value to our business.

Read the full document here!


At Incap, we are all committed to continuous improvement of the quality and safety of our products. Everyone should be committed to working towards exceeding customer expectations and meeting regulatory requirements and quality specifications at every stage. To ensure the quality of our products, we comply with industry standards, maintain high level quality and process control, collect customer feedback and industry expectations, and provide our customers with accurate product information. We will thoroughly investigate the cause of any quality problems and take immediate action to prevent recurrence. By doing so we eliminate reoccurrence, assure prevention and take lesson learnt to drive our continuous improvement culture.

Our quality certifications include:

  • International quality management system ISO 9001
  • Environmental management system ISO 14001
  • Occupational health and safety management system ISO 45001:2018
  • Certificate for manufacturing medical devices according to quality management system ISO 13485
  • Automotive industry quality management system IATF 16949:2016
Read the full document here!


We conduct all business transactions in favor of the interests of Incap and avoid any situations where our private interests may conflict with the interests of Incap. Company’s interest determines our choice, and personal ties do not affect our decisions.

We are not allowed to use privileged information to achieve personal gain. When making a decision, we always consider whether the situation would appear as a conflict of interest in the eyes of someone else. Always consult your supervisor if you think you may have a conflict of interest and ensure you have a record of the decision.

Read the full document here!


We are all responsible for maintaining the integrity and ethical standards of Incap. If we suspect misconduct, we are all obligated to speak up and report it, as well as listen to the concerns raised by others. If you are unsure of what to do, or if you are concerned that the Code is being violated, speak up – contact your manager, (the legal department, the internal audit or the company management). All concerns are reviewed with a strict process which also protects all employees, who report incidents, from retaliation.

  • Never assume that someone else has reported a concern.
  • You don’t have to have all the details or be sure that something is wrong to raise an integrity concern. You can trust that we’ll treat your reports seriously, fairly, objectively and promptly, and if something needs to be fixed, we’ll take action based on what we learn.
  • You can report the concern anonymously or give your name.
  • You should provide as many details as possible, so the issue can be addressed thoroughly and promptly.
  • Choose whichever reporting option you are most comfortable using. Whichever option you choose, we provide a safe, secure and confidential way to express concerns and questions.

How reports of misconduct are handled?

Any identified or reported unlawful behavior as well as breaches of Code, corporate guidelines or policies will be investigated. Based on findings, appropriate corrective or preventive measures will be taken.

We review misconduct reports carefully, handle personal data appropriately and maintain the confidentiality of reports to the extent possible.

Our company does not tolerate retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, raises a concern under this Code or assists with an investigation. Any employee who engages in retaliation (such as demotion, dismissal, denial of promotion, salary reduction and any kind of threatening, bullying or harassment) will face disciplinary action, which could include termination of employment.

Violations of our Code, including failure to promptly report a known Code violation, or making a false report of a violation, may result in disciplinary action up to, and including, termination of employment.

Read the full document here!