Incap’s annual summary 2011

Incap Corporation        Stock exchange release 5 January 2012 at 11 a.m. INCAP'S ANNUAL SUMMARY 2011 Incap has published a summary on its stock exchange releases and press releases in 2011. The releases are available at the company's website at www.incap.fiin section Media/Stock exchange releases and Media/Press releases. INCAP CORPORATION Hannele Pöllä Director,…

Incap to launch co-operative negotiations in corporate services and in the Helsinki factory

Incap Corporation                Stock Exchange Release 14 November 2011 at 12.30 p.m. INCAP TO LAUNCH CO-OPERATIVE NEGOTIATIONS IN CORPORATE SERVICES AND IN THE HELSINKI FACTORY Incap Corporation has invited the personnel in its corporate services in Finland as well as the entire personnel of its Helsinki plant to negotiations in accordance with the Co-operative Act. The…


Incap Corporation         Stock Exchange Release          2 November 2011 at 8:30 a.m. INCAP GROUP INTERIM REPORT JANUARY-SEPTEMBER 2011: REVENUE INCREASED AND FINANCIAL RESULTS DEVELOPED FAVOURABLY – OPERATING RESULT FOR THIRD QUARTER SHOWED A PROFIT * Revenue in January-September stood at EUR 52.0 million, up 21% in comparison to the corresponding period last year (1-9/2010: EUR 43.0…

Incap Corporation’s Financial Reporting in the year 2012

Incap Corporation Stock Exchange Release     2 November 2011 at 8.30 a.m. INCAP CORPORATION'S FINANCIAL REPORTING IN THE YEAR 2012 Incap Corporation's Financial Statements for the year 2011 will be published on Wednesday, 22 February 2012. The Annual Report for 2011 will be released during the week commencing on 19 March 2012 in the…

Invitation to a news conference on Incap’s interim report Q3/2011

Incap Corporation Stock Exchange Release 26 October 2011 at 10.00 a.m. INVITATION TO A NEWS CONFERENCE ON INCAP'S INTERIM REPORT Q3/2011 Incap will publish its interim report for January-September 2011 on Wednesday, 2 November 2011. Financial analysts, investors and media representatives are invited to a news conference on the same day at 10 a.m. in…

Incap decided on temporary lay-offs in cooperation negotiations

INCAP CORPORATION                STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 5 October 2011 at 8.30 a.m. INCAP DECIDED ON TEMPORARY LAY-OFFS IN COOPERATION NEGOTIATONS The negotiations in accordance with the Cooperation Act at Incap's Helsinki factory have been concluded. The company will lay off the entire blue-collar personnel of the factory for a…

Incap lowers the estimate for full-year 2011 result

Incap Corporation                Stock Exchange Release 20 September 2011 at 4.30 p.m. INCAP LOWERS THE ESTIMATE FOR FULL-YEAR RESULT Incap estimates that its operating result (EBIT) for the year 2011 will be slightly negative due to the exchange rate fluctuations between euro, USD and INR and due to decreased…

Incap doubles its production space in Estonia

Incap Corporation Stock Exchange Release               13 September 2011 at 1 p.m. INCAP DOUBLES ITS PRODUCTION SPACE IN ESTONIA Incap has renewed the lease contract of its present factory site to cover also the construction of extension to premises. The lessor of the real estate will build an extension…

Incap to start cooperation negotiations in its factory in Helsinki

Incap Corporation Stock Exchange Release       13 September 2011 at 11.15 a.m. INCAP TO START COOPERATION NEGOTIATONS IN ITS FACTORY IN HELSINKI Incap is preparing for the decline in demand as indicated in the estimates of some customers and convenes therefore negotiations in accordance with the Cooperation Act in its operations in Helsinki factory. The negotiations concern…