Incap Oyj: Resolutions of Incap Corporation’s Extraordinary General Meeting

Incap Corporation       Stock Exchange Release        7 May 2015 at 4.15 p.m. (EET) RESOLUTIONS OF INCAP CORPORATION'S EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Incap Corporation's Extraordinary General Meeting was held on 7 May 2015 in Helsinki. A total of 14 shareholders participated in the meeting, representing 59.95% of all shares and related votes of the company. The Extraordinary General Meeting…

Incap Group Interim Management statement for 1 January – 7 May 2015

Incap Corporation                Interim Management Statement             7 May 2015 at 10.30 a.m. (EET)                                              INCAP GROUP INTERIM MANAGEMENT STATEMENT FOR 1 JANUARY – 7 MAY 2015 Good performance continued. Revenue and result increased. Company is proposing to extraordinary general meeting to grant an authorisation for share issue. The information in this Interim Management Statement of Incap…

Incap Corporation’s notice to the Extraordinary General Meeting

Incap Corporation   Stock Exchange Release   15 April 2015 at 6 p.m. (EET) INCAP CORPORATION'S NOTICE TO THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Notice is given to the shareholders of Incap Corporation to the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on Thursday, 7 May 2015 at 3 p.m. at BANK at the address Unioninkatu 20, 00130 Helsinki. The…

Incap and Aidon to strengthen their co-operation

Incap Corporation           Press Release       11 March 2015 at 8 am (EET) INCAP AND AIDON TO STRENGTHEN THEIR CO-OPERATION   EMS provider Incap Corporation and Aidon Oy, the developer of Automatic Metering Infrastructure (AMI), strengthen their co-operation by aligning and enhancing their operations to support optimal supply chain process. Incap will contribute to the co-operation by launching…

Incap Corporation’s notice to the Annual General Meeting

Incap Corporation   Stock Exchange Release   9 March 2015 at 3.15 p.m. (EET) NOTICE TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is given to the shareholders of Incap Corporation to the Annual General Meeting to be held on Tuesday, 31 March 2015 at 3 p.m. at BANK at the address Unioninkatu 20, 00130 Helsinki. The reception of…

Incap’s new Chairman of the Board of Directors

Incap Corporation   Stock Exchange Release   4 March 2015 at 10.15 a.m. (EET) INCAP'S NEW CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Because Inission AB's holding of all shares and votes at Incap Corporation has increased to 40.85%, the Board of Directors of Incap Corporation has elected Olle Hulteberg among its members to act as the Chairman…

Incap India enters into co-operation for manufacturing with AUMA India

Incap Corporation           Press Release       26 February 2015 INCAP INDIA ENTERS INTO CO-OPERATION FOR MANUFACTURING WITH AUMA INDIA Incap Contract Manufacturing Services Pvt. Ltd. has entered into a co-operation for electronics manufacturing with AUMA India Pvt. Ltd., one of the leading manufacturers of electric actuators for valve automation in the world. Based on this association, Incap…