Incap amends its estimate: moderate decrese in revenue, operating result still positive

Incap Corporation Stock Exchange Release     19 June 2012 at 5:10 p.m.                                                                        INCAP AMENDS ITS ESTIMATE: MODERATE DECREASE IN REVENUE, OPERATING RESULT STILL POSITIVE Incap amends its previous revenue estimate and expects the Group's full-year revenue for 2012 to be lower than in 2011, when it amounted to EUR 68.9 million. The decrease of revenue is…

Incap Corporation’s convertible loan 2012

Incap Corporation        Stock Exchange Release 25 May 2012 at 4:30 p.m. INCAP CORPORATION'S CONVERTIBLE LOAN 2012 Incap Corporation's Board of Directors has in its meeting on 25 May 2012 decided to issue a convertible loan at a nominal value of EUR 2,916,000 based on the authorisation given in the Annual General Meeting…

Incap’s financing negotiations to a favourable complete solution

Incap Corporation   Stock Exchange Release    22 May 2012 at 5:30 p.m. INCAP'S FINANCING NEGOTIATIONS TO A FAVOURABLE COMPLETE SOLUTION Incap Corporation has concluded its negotiations over a financing arrangement focused on the extension of the current financing agreements, the granting of a new bank loan and a rearrangement of the company's convertible loan.…

Incap and new energy solutions provider The Switch to start cooperation

Incap Corporation         Press Release           28 February 2012 at 8.30 a.m. INCAP AND NEW ENERGY SOLUTIONS PROVIDER THE SWITCH TO START COOPERATION Incap Corporation has signed a cooperation agreement with the wind turbine component supplier The Switch Engineering Ltd (The Switch). Incap manufactures stator components to The Switch for their…

Incap recognises non-recurring expenses in the result for 2011 on reorganisation of production

Incap Corporation      Stock Exchange Release 17 February 2012 at 11.30 a.m. INCAP RECOGNISES NON-RECURRING EXPENSES IN THE RESULT FOR 2011 ON REORGANISATION OF PRODUCTION Positive development in the operations of Incap Group has continued and the Group's profitability has improved on previous year. According to preliminary estimate the operating result (EBIT) excluding non-recurring expenses…